Bipolar-Related Cognitive Impairment
It’s been a long while since my last post. My absence is due to inability to focus rather than lack of interest. As the years pass, I notice that putting my thoughts on paper is increasingly more difficult. Growing up, journaling was a favorite pastime. However, I have read that cognitive impairment can be one of the many symptoms of bipolar disorder, especially if not managed early on.
My daughter never seems to have trouble writing once she decides on a topic. Oh, how I envy her. I, on the other hand, have many ideas and thoughts going through my head and organizing everything is exhausting. So, I totally get it when other bipolar bloggers have so much they want to say that once in a while, they just say it without worrying about style, cohesiveness, and what the critics might think. I must admit those untamed, carefree posts and rants are often very interesting and enjoyable reads.
Ironically, my career requires me to write almost daily, and I applaud my employer for taking a different approach to supervision. Micromanaging and unnecessary stress seem to be a thing of the past in the office. For me it’s a relief because the anxiety could lead to a hypomanic, manic, or depressive episode or something in between (i.e., mixed moods). The workplace can become a place of dread and all things unhealthy. We all have to recognize it and proceed with caution.
A lot has happened since my last post. I have pushed through the storms both small and seemingly huge. And, with a smile on my face, I ask myself where shall I begin to share more lived experiences with you.
Blessings to all!
Bipolar II