Live Free
Today I had a conversation with someone I have not spoken to in some time. We met through a National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) support group years ago. I have always admired this person, and I am so proud of her successes. We shared with each other what we are doing these days and what our goals are. She is such an inspiration!
She is pursuing a profession in mental health, and, while I originally thought I would go that route, life has taken me in another direction at this time. However, mental health is still a passion of mine. I have learned to take life a day at a time, to go with the flow as they say. I do not have to do or be just one thing. As I spoke with her, I realized that one of the most liberating things I have learned on my mental health journey is that I have the freedom to change my mind and to do whatever fulfills me. And the beauty of it all is that I do not owe anybody anything.
Live free.