• thebipolarbuzz@gmail.com
  • Alabama

Who We Are

I, Bipolar II, am a mother of three children and three fur babies. I have held full-time employment at a small company for over fifteen years. I have not found it necessary to disclose my diagnosis at this time. However,  I struggle with general anxiety on a daily basis. I was formally diagnosed with bipolar disorder (BD) in March 2018, but I always knew that I was different. I saw the difference in my actions and reactions, and I always knew it was there. I just didn’t know that it had a name that is separate from mine. I always understood it to be who I am, and I still believe that.

I, Bipolar I, am the daughter of Bipolar II. I was diagnosed with BD in November 2017. Ten months prior to my current diagnosis, I was diagnosed with brief psychotic disorder. My plans to earn a doctoral degree were interrupted. I believe God has a plan for my life. I am boldly moving forward.

We invite you to join the journey into our lives. At times, our path is smooth and relatively uneventful. At other times, we advise that you buckle up and grab protective gear because the terrain may become excruciatingly difficult to traverse.

We assure you that no matter our experience, we persevere, we learn, we grow, we love, and yes, we laugh too. We offer you transparency in terms of our illness. We hope that this website helps more people respond to our disability as they would respond to those who have diabetes, high blood pressure, Crohn’s disease, psoriasis, or any physical illness. Bipolar is a biologically-based illness. In fact, as with physical illnesses, mental illnesses are also treatable.

Our mission is to combat stigma.

God bless you all!


Bipolar I  (Lai) & II (D)

For more information on the difference between Bipolar I and Bipolar II Disorder, please click here.