• thebipolarbuzz@gmail.com
  • Alabama

Healing from Trauma takes Work

As a former facilitator for the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Connection Recovery Support Group, I began each meeting by reading a list of objectives provided by NAMI. One of the objectives states: Understand that mental health conditions are no one’s fault and can be traumatic experiences. To be clear, not everyone who lives with mental illness has experienced […]

Grounding and Sensory Self-Soothing Techniques

Our senses can play a role in mental health. So, why not utilize sensory self-soothing to help ground ourselves and promote mental wellness. This is a great way to supplement the practice of mindfulness, as this can help bring us back to the present moment, especially when the mind drifts to unpleasant thoughts. My collection of sentimental items provides the […]