• thebipolarbuzz@gmail.com
  • Alabama


Finding the Sister I Never Knew I Had

Because I have a sister, I’ll always have a friend. -My sister I grew up the only girl, the middle of three children. But 2021 rocked my world in a number of ways. One which I will discuss here: At 30 years old, I went from the only girl to the baby girl, number 4 out of 5 children. I’ve […]

School, Work, and a Wedding!

A year ago I got engaged. Now, I have been married for a little over a month. It was a lot of work, money, stress, and anxiety planning a wedding while both working full time and going to school (again) for my master’s. But I’d do it all over. The preparation was worth the special moments: trusting and believing God […]

Dealing with Stress in the Workplace

I have been working my current hospital job as an ultrasound tech for about four months now. Ten if you count my time as a student employee! My confidence and speed have significantly improved. But I’m not sure anything could have prepared me for what went down a couple of weeks ago. I typically work second shift with at least […]

Dating Someone with Bipolar Disorder from a Non-Bipolar Perspective

Dating is hard enough. You find somebody that you like only to find out that they have a mental condition can complicate the matter. Often times when we date, if the other person has a condition or circumstance that society tells us is wrong to have, we immediately abandon ship and start looking for another person to date. This story […]

Sleep Disturbances and Bipolar Disorder

One thing my psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP) said at my intake appointment a few days ago is that sleep is one of the most difficult things to treat in individuals with bipolar disorder. I can certainly relate, as I have had issues with sleep for years now. Sleep disturbance can present itself in a number of ways. I […]

Bipolar-Related Cognitive Impairment

It’s been a long while since my last post. My absence is due to inability to focus rather than lack of interest. As the years pass, I notice that putting my thoughts on paper is increasingly more difficult. Growing up, journaling was a favorite pastime. However, I have read that cognitive impairment can be one of the many symptoms of […]

Four Years Later, I Have Health Insurance

It has been about four years since I have had health insurance of any kind. Following a psychotic episode in 2017, I made the difficult decision to drop out of my PhD program in order to take care of me. Since I was no longer a student and only working part-time jobs, healthcare was unfortunately placed on the back burner. […]

Recovering from the Help You’ve Been Given

This week has been a week of conversations with a number of people about a number of things. One of today’s conversations was with a friend from the support group I used to be a member of. We were sitting there enjoying the food, and this friend said something that struck me: “I’m recovering from the help I’ve been given.” […]

Sharing Your Mental Health Diagnosis

Before I became comfortable sharing my diagnosis, I first had to take the time to come to terms with it myself. I read today that “bipolar is one of the illnesses people have the hardest time accepting.” Dr. Parikh went on to say that “maybe one-third accept it right away. At least a third totally reject it, and a third […]