• thebipolarbuzz@gmail.com
  • Alabama

Showing Up Authentically

I joined an Instagram live hosted by two psychologists, @doctorshefali and @the.holistic.psychologist, on February 2nd of this year. The part of the discussion that intrigued me most was the conversation about being a “doer” as a cover-up for unworthiness and shame, and how this cover-up is essentially an inauthentic version of yourself. The conversation caused me to do some introspection […]

Parenting Yourself with respect to Health Care

When I was still early in my first trimester of pregnancy, one of my great mom friends told me that parenting begins before your child is born. As I progressed through my pregnancy, I learned firsthand what she meant by that and also that she was right for saying it. Think about it: Growing a whole human being inside of […]