• thebipolarbuzz@gmail.com
  • Alabama


Taking a Mental Health Day

I receive emails from 16personalities.com every so often. On this site, you can take a free personality test to learn more about yourself – “who you are and why you do things the way you do” – as they say on their homepage. When I took the test over a year ago, my result was an analyst personality type referred […]

Live Free

Today I had a conversation with someone I have not spoken to in some time. We met through a National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) support group years ago. I have always admired this person, and I am so proud of her successes. We shared with each other what we are doing these days and what our goals are. She […]

Train Your Brain to Live in the Now

I was feeling rather overwhelmed this morning. I am in the process of moving, so I had errands to run, chores to do, and of course, stuff to move. In addition to that, I also had friends to see and phone calls to return. I have still got to do the latter. My goal is to have everything moved by […]

Stop Being a -Holic

I’m preaching to myself here, but maybe you can relate. Is there something in your life that you are addicted to? That you do too much of at the expense of your health? I am guilty of having been a workaholic – whether that’s school work or work work. But my, my how I have improved. After finishing up school […]

The Bipolar Writer Podcast Episode: Interview with Alaina

May 1st marks day one of Mental Health Awareness Month! I wanted to kick off the month by sharing an interview that I did with James Edgar Skye on his podcast. He uses The Bipolar Writer Podcast to bring awareness to mental health and to allow others a platform to share their stories and experiences. It was my pleasure to […]

How do you know when you should stop therapy?

In mid-January, my therapist and I reached the decision that I no longer needed to continue therapy for social anxiety. Hoorayyy!!! I’m not excited because I feel like therapy is unnecessary or because I didn’t like my therapist. In fact, just the opposite. Therapy was very necessary for me to add the right tools to my toolbox that I could […]

Word of the Year: Authenticity

Instead of new year’s resolutions, I’ve started choosing a word for the year. This year’s word? Authenticity. In 2021, I just want to be comfortable in my own skin and unafraid to share that with others. My default entering into 2021 is perfectionism, which leads to anxiousness. For the entirety of this year, I will work on exuding authenticity in […]

Coming Soon to YouTube!

It’s been a long time coming, but I am finally going to create (and post) my first YouTube video on my new channel ! I’m just waiting on my backdrop to arrive in the mail : ) The video will be about my experience with bipolar mania and the episode that led to my diagnosis. Will post again when the […]

Experiencing Impulsivity

Hi! And welcome to The Bipolar Buzz. Yep, same site, new name. My name is Lai and I suffer from Bipolar I Disorder. One of the symptoms of this illness is impulsivity. Hence, the domain name change. I also have insomnia. I couldn’t get back to sleep last night and randomly decided that changing the domain name for the blog […]