• thebipolarbuzz@gmail.com
  • Alabama


Grieving the Loss of a Loved One

Growing up, grief was an emotion that was hardly ever expressed by anyone other than myself. For instance, when my uncle committed suicide when I was ten years old, I never saw my dad show any emotion around me, but that is part of being a man. I knew that my uncle and father were close though. My uncle turned […]

Grounding and Sensory Self-Soothing Techniques

Our senses can play a role in mental health. So, why not utilize sensory self-soothing to help ground ourselves and promote mental wellness. This is a great way to supplement the practice of mindfulness, as this can help bring us back to the present moment, especially when the mind drifts to unpleasant thoughts. My collection of sentimental items provides the […]

How to Move Past Shame

How many people learned to recognize and cultivate self-esteem from an early age? I think those who didn’t learn this outnumber those who did. Even If you didn’t recognize the word or know that self-esteem means, according to Merriam-Webster, a confidence and satisfaction in one’s self, did you have role models in this area of your life? Did you have […]

Word of the Week: Grounding

Grounding is a strategy to bring us in to the present moment. It’s a method of coping. Everyone has had an overwhelming experience or emotional crisis on some scale. When such an event occurs, we can utilize this technique to reel us back in.

June is PTSD Awareness Month!

In honor of all PTSD warriors, our goal is to provide awareness of a disorder that affects or has affected too many lives, including my own. May peace find those who battle PTSD, as well as their friends and family. To all who provide support during recovery, please don’t take emotional responses personally. Understanding and patience are essential during this […]

Word of the Week: Complex PTSD

As its name suggests, complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or C-PTSD, is a more severe form of PTSD. The difference is that C-PTSD may occur as a result of exposure to prolonged stress or trauma. You can read more about C-PTSD at the following websites: Healthy Place U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Dealing with Bullies in the Workplace

Almost everyone has dealt with a bully at some point in his or her life, right? One of the reasons kids can’t wait for adulthood is so that the unsolicited drama that bullies initiate will cease. After high school graduation, who knew the jerkish behavior would survive and rear its ugly head in the workplace? News flash: Bullies don’t stop […]

Experiencing a Psychotic Episode

Experiencing a psychotic episode was not on my list of to-dos for the year 2017. Yet, there I was, driving recklessly through the streets of Atlanta on a cold January night. By the time law enforcement caught up with me, I had abandoned my vehicle and found my way to the middle of oncoming traffic trying to make the cars […]

Recognizing Symptoms of Psychosis

Because I didn’t know the signs and symptoms of bipolar spectrum disorder and psychosis, I am sharing my experiences and some information with you so that you won’t be in the dark like I was. Moreover, I am doing this so that if you notice a change in your loved one, you will not ignore it, and, if necessary, seek […]