• thebipolarbuzz@gmail.com
  • Alabama

Men’s Mental Health and the Loneliness Epidemic

I remember sitting in my apartment one night and getting a call from a good friend of mine. He was ready to take his life, but ultimately he didn’t. At least not that night. It would be about another six years before he completed suicide. June is men’s health month, and that includes men’s mental health, which is largely overlooked. […]

The Impact of Boxing on Mental Health: Improving Resilience in Life (A Guest Post by Richard Sison)

Mental health is a critical aspect of overall health and well-being. With the rise of stress and anxiety in today’s fast-paced society, finding ways to improve and maintain mental resilience is becoming increasingly important.  Boxing is a high-intensity physical activity that has been shown to positively impact mental health, including reducing stress and anxiety, improving mood, and increasing self-esteem and confidence.  In […]

Healing from Trauma takes Work

As a former facilitator for the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Connection Recovery Support Group, I began each meeting by reading a list of objectives provided by NAMI. One of the objectives states: Understand that mental health conditions are no one’s fault and can be traumatic experiences. To be clear, not everyone who lives with mental illness has experienced […]

Sadness or Depression?

I began writing this post on March 5, 2022. That was over a year ago, y’all! I didn’t get far. Besides the title, all I had written at that time was this: It’s time to start tracking my moods again. I stopped because day-to-day was the same thing, so it seemed pointless. Now, there’s been a shift in my emotional […]

Keeping Your Mental Health Crisis Plan Up to Date

Sometimes you don’t know you need a crisis plan until you do. Or until someone who cares about your well-being does some homework and encourages you to write one. My then boyfriend (now husband) encouraged me to create a document called a crisis plan that would help him help me if I ever had another mental health crisis like the […]

My Experience with Abilify Side Effects

Abilify is an anti-psychotic drug that I began taking when I was hospitalized for brief psychotic disorder. It was a while before abilify “worked” for me. I struggled to adjust in ways that I had not attributed to the medication at the time, only in hindsight. Not to mention I was adjusting to new medication and simultaneously studying public policy […]

I’m not feeling it: Less than 13 reasons why

Yesterday, I asked the groomer to give my toy poodle a low hair cut. She got the cut all right, and all the hair on her tail was gone too. That’s not cool. My lil’ girl Princess looked at me and looked at her tail as if to say, “What the heck did you let them do to me?” I […]

Grieving the Loss of a Loved One

Growing up, grief was an emotion that was hardly ever expressed by anyone other than myself. For instance, when my uncle committed suicide when I was ten years old, I never saw my dad show any emotion around me, but that is part of being a man. I knew that my uncle and father were close though. My uncle turned […]