• thebipolarbuzz@gmail.com
  • Alabama


Faith. Family. Goals.

I’m in my 30s. I have multiple degrees, a number of experiences, and plenty of connections. And yet, I still don’t know “what I want to do with my life.” And to me, that’s not a bad thing – not at all. The time I spent working for those degrees, the lessons I’ve learned from those experiences, and the relationships […]

Fresh Starts

It’s back-to-school season, so with this post I thought I’d provide some tips for starting fresh. This advice is applicable not only to students but also to working people and anyone starting or restarting something. 1. Develop a routine. Think of things that you’ve got to get done regularly and build them into your calendar – even simple yet important […]

Pour from a Full Cup

As it relates to breastfeeding versus formula feeding, you’ve probably heard that breastfeeding is the preferred way to feed your baby. You may have also heard the phrase, “fed is best,” meaning that regardless of how you feed your baby, he or she will be fine so long as there is food in that tummy. I’m not here to argue […]

Give Yourself Some Grace

Taking care of my mental health looks different depending on the day. On the days that I work, my mental health does suffer a bit. That is primarily due to the environment and the long hours. Taking breaks when possible is helpful. I work 12-hour shifts at a hospital, and if I work those shifts back to back, I am […]

The Cost of Effective Mental Health Care

Financial burden is a barrier to health care and mental health care is no exception. This goes for both the uninsured and the insured. As a result of what I later learned was bipolar disorder, I was without health insurance for about four years while I recovered and essentially started my life over. I was able to find affordable mental […]

Men’s Mental Health and the Loneliness Epidemic

I remember sitting in my apartment one night and getting a call from a good friend of mine. He was ready to take his life, but ultimately he didn’t. At least not that night. It would be about another six years before he completed suicide. June is men’s health month, and that includes men’s mental health, which is largely overlooked. […]

Creating a Reasonable Accommodations Plan

Planning is a big part of managing bipolar disorder, from scheduling your days and developing a routine to creating a crisis plan that prepares others help you in your time of need. I resumed therapy last month. Nothing new occurred to prompt this. Instead, I have been trying to find practical ways to manage anxiety and to ground myself. I’ve […]

Showing Up Authentically

I joined an Instagram live hosted by two psychologists, @doctorshefali and @the.holistic.psychologist, on February 2nd of this year. The part of the discussion that intrigued me most was the conversation about being a “doer” as a cover-up for unworthiness and shame, and how this cover-up is essentially an inauthentic version of yourself. The conversation caused me to do some introspection […]

Parenting Yourself with respect to Health Care

When I was still early in my first trimester of pregnancy, one of my great mom friends told me that parenting begins before your child is born. As I progressed through my pregnancy, I learned firsthand what she meant by that and also that she was right for saying it. Think about it: Growing a whole human being inside of […]

Maintaining Stability with IPSRT: How it Helps Manage Bipolar Disorder (A Guest Post by Dr. Joann Mundin)

Bipolar disorder is a complex and unpredictable mental illness affecting millions worldwide. Those with bipolar disorder endure intense mood swings that can swing between the depths of severe depression to the heights of euphoric mania. The manic episodes can bring forth feelings of overwhelming joy and excitement, accompanied by a surge of energy and a decreased need for sleep. However, […]